Pará is the region in Brazil that the most Amazonian deforestation occurs in- in Spanish, "para" is, of course, the Spanish word for "for". While they don't speak Spanish in Brazil, the Amazon is a concern to all the world, and especially to South America, as its deforestation decreases the amount of rainfall that those areas receive, thus altering their climate. Because this alteration is not only affecting us, but future generations, I put kids on my message, highlighting that OUR greed hurts THEIR future.
To show Brazil that we mean buisiness, do not buy Brazilian beef products, hardwoods, or soy beans. Brazilian hardwoods include: African Blackwood, Olivewood, Amboyna Burl, Cherry, Andira, Angelique, Birch and Black Palm. To avoid being unsure about where your beef and soy beans are from, get locally grown food from a famer's market or CSA- community-supported agriculture. This helps you bypass many international fiascos, such as animal- rights issues, deforestation issues, etc., and you also support a local farmer.
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